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Health Awareness 1200


Raising Awareness(只提供英文版本)

Belinda Koo


It can be tricky to bring it up, but if you’re worried about saying the wrong thing, don’t be. The best way to start is to just ask someone if they’re okay.

If you think someone might be dealing with depression or anxiety, you might avoid them because you don’t know what to do or say, or maybe you don’t really understand what it’s all about. This can make it harder for them to get through it. To make it go better, for both of you, here are a few tips:

1. Choose a place that's quiet and private and set aside some time.

2. Listen, more than talk. Most of the time it's not answers they are looking for but just to be heard.

3. Try to keep any questions open-ended and offer reassurance and hope.

4. Let them know you care and thank them for sharing.

5. Don't try to fix it but check to see if they are getting the professional help they need.

It is a big step for someone to open up to you. So here's what not to do:

1. Tell me they can snap out of it. For sure they have already tried that.

2. Avoid them. They already feel alone and this can make it even worse.

3. Suggest they are being weak. If they have opened up recognise the bravery in that.

4. Assume the problem will just get better.

5. Judge or criticise them for what they are going through.

One of the most important things we can all do to raise awareness is to educate ourselves.

For access to more knowledge https://www.mind.org.hk/