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Health Heat 1200


Top tips to beat the heat(只提供英文版本)


After what feels like weeks of endless rain, the clouds are clearing and the sun will be shining brightly so we’re finally able to enjoy all that Hong Kong has to offer in the summer. Whether you choose to spend your days hiking, swimming, boating, spinning or just enjoying the long, warm days with family and friends, there are a few things you should keep in mind to beat the heat:


You know how important it is to stay hydrated all year round. Especially when you’re sweating a lot either because of exercise or the summer heat, drinking enough water becomes even more crucial. To help ensure you’re getting enough water, don’t leave the house without a refillable bottle and endeavour to have the equivalent of at least 8-10 glasses each day.


There’s a reason why we reach for salads in the summer; they’re easy to digest compared to ‘heavier’ food, which easily leaves you feeling sluggish in the intense heat. Instead, go for fruits and vegetables, which are watery and help keep you cooler and hydrated.


The city can feel stifling at times in the middle of summer, so make the time to get out and explore the best of what Hong Kong has on offer – the ocean, the parks, the outer islands. When you make plans outside, make sure to wear sunscreen, take plenty of water with you and find a pocket of shade to hang out in when the sun is beaming.


Take it easy if you tend to overheat. There’s plenty of hours in the day to accomplish your daily goals. Create time to relax and don’t over exert yourself running around town!


Keep a spray bottle in the fridge and when the going gets hot, give yourself a good spritz! Here’s a quick refreshing recipe for you: combine one cucumber, a squeeze of lemon, one teaspoon of aloe vera and one tablespoon of rosewater. Put them in a blender for one minute, strain and drop the liquid in a bottle and spray over yourself as needed. Also good post-spin class!


Just because it’s hot outside, doesn’t mean you have to stop exercising - you may just need to change things up a bit! Try avoiding working out outdoors in the middle of the day and use the warmer weather as an excuse to try out some water sports. You can always move your exercise indoors and pick up another class or two at XYZ! Remember also that you’re likely to sweat more when working out in the heat, so make sure you hydrate before, during and after exercise.